The impact of micronutrients for the incidence and progression of age-related degenerative diseases

This research unit is dedicated to the development of mass-spectrometric methods for the measurement of micro-nutrients and their metabolites, such as vitamin D, vitamin K, Vitamin B6, B9 and B12, fatty acids and amino acids. For this purpose the institute operates a state-of the art mass spectrometry facility that harbors all relevant technologies under one roof. The methods developed by this group are subsequently employed in clincial studies to explore the role of these micronutrient in the pathogenesis and progression of chronic diseases including dementia, fatty liver disease and osteosarcopenia.

Funding: 100.000 Millions €


Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Markus Herrmann 
T: +43 316 385 83341

Current projects

  • Serum-biomarkers for risk evaluation and early detection of dementia (Sebastian Simstich)
  • Diagnostics of vitamin K deficiency (Andreas Meinitzer)
  • New diagnostic strategies for vitamin D deficeincy (Sieglinde Zelzer)